



Open Access Article

Journal of Cell and Molecular Biology Research. 2023; 3: (1) ; 30-44 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.jcmbr.20230006.

Application and prospects of stem cell technology in tissue repair and regenerative medicine

作者: 李森 *

河北医科大学 河北石家庄

*通讯作者: 李森,单位:河北医科大学 河北石家庄;

发布时间: 2023-12-20 总浏览量: 1613



关键词: 干细胞技术;组织修复;再生医学


Stem cell technology plays a crucial role in tissue repair and regenerative medicine, and its unique self-renewal ability and multidirectional differentiation potential provide new strategies for treating various diseases. This article reviews the basics of stem cell technology, including the classification and properties of stem cells as well as isolation and culture techniques. The focus is on the application of stem cells in skin, bone, cartilage, heart and neural tissue repair, as well as their promising applications in the context of regenerative medicine. In addition, through case studies, the paper demonstrates successful examples of stem cell technology in actual clinical treatments, while also pointing out the current challenges and ethical issues facing stem cell applications, including the safety of the technology, the accessibility of the treatment, and the cost. In the future, with the advancement of technology and the improvement of ethical regulations, stem cell technology is expected to play a greater role in tissue repair and regenerative medicine, providing new solutions for a wide range of disease treatments. Through in-depth analysis and discussion, this paper highlights the need for continued research and development of stem cell technology and the positive outlook for future therapeutic approaches.

Key words: Stem cell technology; tissue repair; regenerative medicine

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李森, 干细胞技术在组织修复和再生医学中的应用与前景[J]. 细胞与分子生物学研究, 2023; 3: (1) : 30-44.