



Open Access Article

Journal of Cell and Molecular Biology Research. 2022; 2: (1) ; 1-7 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.ijcmbr.20220001.

The role and mechanism of natural killer cells (NK) in hepatitis B virus infection and related liver diseases

作者: 单关月, 王帅, 刘菲 *, 李海军 *

吉林大学第一医院转化医学研究院 吉林长春

吉林大学第一医院产科 吉林长春

*通讯作者: 刘菲,单位:吉林大学第一医院产科 吉林长春;李海军,单位:吉林大学第一医院转化医学研究院 吉林长春;

发布时间: 2022-10-21 总浏览量: 1279



关键词: 自然杀伤细胞;乙型肝炎病毒;肝纤维化;肝癌


Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection is one of the major public health problems in the world. HBV infection cause a series of liver diseases, including hepatitis, liver fibrosis, liver cirrhosis and liver cancer. Natural killer cells (NK) are important immune cell subsets in the liver. A variety of co-stimulatory and co-inhibitory molecules are expressed on the surface of NK cells. Chronic HBV infection increase the expression of synergistic co-inhibitory molecules on the surface of NK cells, impair their killing ability and cytokine secretion. NK cell inhibition contribute further aggravate liver immune tolerance, and finally lead to liver fibrosis or liver cancer. This review summarizes the functional changes of NK cells in the process of chronic HBV infection and the interaction between NK cells and other immune cells in the liver, in order to provide basis for the treatment of HBV related diseases centered on NK cells.

Key words: Hepatitis B virus; Vertical transmission; Pregnancy; Antiviral drugs

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单关月, 王帅, 刘菲, 李海军, 自然杀伤细胞(NK)在乙肝病毒感染及相关肝脏疾病中的作用和机制研究进展[J]. 细胞与分子生物学研究, 2022; 2: (1) : 1-7.